Educational Services
Continuous Medical Education (CME)
Secretarial support to CME for Non-specialist.
For public /
For CUHK administrator
Overview – CME Programme for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME Programme for Specialists (Non-specialist)
Item Banking

- Provide item banking training workshops for departments and for students
- Assist departments in administering online assessments
Contact Person: Yan JIN
Grade Recommendation & Mark Transformation
Provide grading services for the departments within the Faculty of Medicine and their self-financed programs:
- Recommendation of exam grades according to University’s guideline
- Mark transformation through normalization of the exam components
- Feedbacks on student quartile ranking and grading distribution
- Summary statistics and correlations for exam marks of the total and its components
Download Service Forms: Self-Financed Programmes ( doc / pdf )
Contact Person: Patricia Tong
Quality Assurance Activities

- Coordinate programme reviews and documentation of QA activities
- Coordinate the annual Teachers of the Year Awards Ceremony
- Provide administrative support for Deanery (Education) in teaching & learning enhancement projects and staff training workshops
Item (Psychometrics) Analysis
Provide item analysis service on student assessments using IDEALTM software suite:
Contact Person: Alex Yung